Water and fluid balance, the best resources against the summer heat

With summer and hot weather in full swing, one of the issues that affects the entire population is how to keep hydrated, or more precisely, how to keep a healthy fluid balance. Fluid balance is about the difference between the amount of water taken in the body and the amount of water lost through sweating and urination. 

Water is an essential element not only for the human body, but also for the sustainability of our ecosystem. In other words, water is an irreplaceable source of life and well-being.

Proper hydration and an adequate knowledge of how to obtain it are our best weapons to ensure we stay healthy. 

Drinking water certainly has many benefits, especially when performing a physical activity or when temperatures are at their highest and the heat becomes unbearable. Knowing how to keep hydrated allows you to cope with hot weather and avoid unpleasant side effects caused by dehydration.

Without proper hydration, numerous bodily functions can be impaired, such as the transport of nutrients, the production of hormones and the ability to regulate body temperature. Moreover, metabolic and circulatory disorders can sometimes occur. 

There is no recipe for the amount of water intake over a twenty-four hours period, but it is recommended that an adult should generally drink at least 2 liters of water per day in order to stay healthy. Since water accounts for about 60 % of body weight and is involved in almost all biological processes, this allows our organism to regulate itself.

Keeping hydrated often and well also means helping the body to excrete toxins, tone muscles, soothe the eyes and the skin, regulate pressure and even improve mood. 

Therefore, water should be considered an essential part of our daily routine, because it regulates numerous biological functions. This is why, during the summer season, sporting activities and in all situations where a good amount of fluid is lost, it is important to maintain proper hydration. Through urine, sweating and perspiration, our body can lose up to 3 liters of water a day, depending on factors such as body weight, external temperatures and the amount of physical exercise. 

Moreover, with dehydration caused by heat or physical activity the body loses valuable elements such as minerals, vitamins and amino acids: for instance, potassium contributes to regular muscle function and reduces the feeling of exhaustion and fatigue caused by heat, while magnesium plays an important role in keeping a healthy energy metabolism and the body’s electrolyte balance. Vitamin C and vitamin B1 also contribute to the body’s energy metabolism and reduce tiredness and fatigue. 

For this reason, it can be useful to introduce multivitamin and mineral supplements into our daily and sports routine, so as to provide our body with more energy.

Lastly, a special focus should be on nutrition. Keeping hydrated does not only mean drinking the recommended two liters/ eight glasses of water everyday, it also means eating food rich in vitamins and minerals. Fresh, unprocessed food should always be preferred. A diet with adequate portions of fruits and vegetables ensures that you are providing your body with healthy nutrients which are an equally important source of hydration: foods that contain the highest amount of water include cucumber, fennel, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, watermelons, kiwis and apples. This short list can be extended to include all those foods that help maintain a balanced fluid level thanks to elements such as potassium and magnesium, but also fibers and antioxidants.

Moreover, there are numerous options to make our food healthy but still tasty. For example, a mix of spices can be a good substitute for salt, and whole-grain carbohydrates can provide the same caloric intake as sugars and sweets.

Every strategy against dehydration involves water and nutrition, although it’s always better to consult a health professional.
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